Shamanic Journey Rhythms Volume 1 by Michael Drake.
This unique recording uses primitive instruments to support the listener in making shamanic journeys. The bullroarer and rattle provide sonic driving for the journey as an alternative to drumming. The bullroarer is a flat elliptical shaped piece of wood attached to a cord that produces a whirring trance inducing drone when whirled through the air. The rattle produces high frequencies that complement the low frequency droning, thereby boosting the total sonic effect. The journey ends with a callback. Click on the following link to download Shamanic Journey Rhythms Volume 1 at
Shamanic Journey Rhythms Volume 2 by Michael Drake.
This recording uses primitive instruments to support the listener in making shamanic journeys. The berimbau and rain stick provide sonic driving for the journey as an alternative to drumming. The berimbau is a gourd-resonated, trance droning musical bow of African origin. The rain stick is a percussion instrument that originated in Chile. Made from a dried cactus branch, it produces the sound of gentle rain. The rain stick produces high frequencies that complement the low frequency droning, thereby boosting the total sonic effect. This journey ends with a callback. Click on the following link to download Shamanic Journey Rhythms Volume 2 at
Sacred Songs & Chants by Michael Drake
A collection of 14 multicultural and original songs and chants sung by Michael Drake. Singing and drumming are extremely powerful tools for restoring the vibrational integrity of body, mind, and spirit. When coupled together, they move us to a level of awareness beyond form, a place where we discover our own divinity. Each song and chant on this recording has a specific purpose for invoking or paying homage to spirit beings and deities. Each one creates a vibratory resonance that allows these forces to be called forth. Click on the following link to download Sacred Songs & Chants at Download the FREE Song List and Lyrics (PDF).
Badger Medicine by Michael
This track is from the album Power Animal Drumming: Calling the Spirits. Badger medicine includes courage, cunning, endurance, grounding, perseverance, root and herbal remedies, and the magic of storytelling. Badger is a very aggressive and utterly fearless fighter. Invoke Badger for courage, fighting spirit and persistence. From her den below the ground, Badger connects us to the Earth mother, her stories, and the healing properties of medicinal roots. Badger helps us helps us see below the surface of things and boldly express ourselves with the clarity of inner knowing. Click on the following link to download Badger Medicine at
Song for the Whales by Michael Drake
After reading Kit Wright's poem "The Song of the Whale," I felt inspired to record this musical tribute to the whales, which is also the soundtrack to my video Song for the Whales. The poem is a about a sympathetic boy who believes we're killing whales for unnecessary things. Click on the following link to play or download Song for the Whales at Listen to all of my albums on SoundCloud.
Judith Thomson Lecture on Drum Making
Judith Thomson gave a two hour lecture on drum making at Woodland Chapel in Salem, Oregon in the summer of 2009. Judith and her husband, Lloyd studied about the healing power of sound with Jonathan Goldman. She studied the healing ways of the Native Americans who live in the states of Oregon and Washington. This included learning how they crafted drums and used their sounds for healing. Judith taught many people across the United States how to make drums and how to use drumming to heal. Judith crossed over into the spirit world on March 25, 2012. Hers was an authentic life well lived and she will be deeply missed. Click on the following link to play or download Judith Thomson Lecture at
Shamanism in Siberia by Maria A. Czaplicka
Maria A. Czaplicka was a Polish anthropologist who is best known for her ethnography of Siberian shamanism. First published in 1914, Shamanism in Siberia is still relevant, because many of its Uralic, Altaic, and Paleosiberian peoples continue to practice shamanism even in modern times. This comprehensive study provides an in-depth analysis of the most important object in Siberian shamanism--the shamanic drum. It may be said that all over Siberia, where there is a shaman there is also a drum. Czaplicka establishes a universal framework describing how the drum as a symbol transmits symbolic meanings among shamans, people and the spirit world. Among the Neo-Siberians all their philosophy of life is represented symbolically in the drum. Click on the following link to download Shamanism in Siberia.
The Sacred Formulas of the Cherokees by James Mooney
This free eBook is a reprint of the classic 1891 ethnographic study of Cherokee shamanic practice by the gifted anthropologist James Mooney. Based on several manuscripts written by Cherokee shamans, it includes the actual text of the rituals to treat various diseases, information on herbs used, love spells, hunting rituals, weather spells etc., and, in fact, embodying almost the whole of the sacred rites of Cherokee shamanism. The original manuscripts were written by the shamans of the tribe, for their own use, in the Cherokee characters invented by Sikwa'ya (Sequoyah) in 1821, and were obtained, with the explanations, either from the writers themselves or from their surviving relatives. Click on the following link to download The Sacred Formulas of the Cherokees.
How to Make Drums, Tomtoms, and Rattles by Bernard S. Mason
I began making rawhide frame drums in 1989 after attending my first shamanic drum circle. Birthing shamanic drums became a passion that continues to this day. Crafting and playing a drum that you have made yourself is eminently more satisfying than playing any other. A drum of your own creation will be imbued with your own unique essence. It will become a powerful extension of your essential self. Moreover, the spirit of a drum will pass through your hands into the drum as you make it. As master drummaker Judith Thompson put it, "Making a drum is like pulling your heart together and giving birth to a new part of yourself." To guide you in drum making, I highly recommend the book, How to Make Drums, Tomtoms, and Rattles by Bernard S. Mason. He gives detailed practical instructions on how to craft frame drums, from processing the rawhide to bending wooden slats into hoops. This classic 1938 edition is now a free public domain eBook. Click on the following link to download (EPUB format) How to Make Drums.epub.
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