58. JOY






Two Lakes flow one into the other, forming a state of Joy. This image symbolizes true inner joy that resonates from the core of our being and connects us to the wondrous network of vibrations that is the universe. It indicates that, whatever your inquiry, you must first get in touch with this pulse and realign yourself to the rhythm of the cosmos.




Joy is our song, which we share with the universe. Within the heart of each of us, there exists a unique song, a silent pulse of perfect rhythm that connects us to the totality of a dynamic, interrelated universe. This rhythmic pulsation is present within each of us, but our awareness is rarely in sync with it. Awareness of perfect rhythm is not possible until one quiets the incessant chatter of the mind, thereby attaining the serenity of true inner joy. Only then can you begin to harmonize your aims and desires to the needs and flow of the cosmos. To maintain this harmonious accord with the cosmos, you must pursue your joy. Acknowledge your heart's true desire, your deepest inner longing. Whatever it is, it will carry you to what you need to do next in order to achieve your innermost purpose in life, even if you do not yet know what that purpose is. Follow your bliss. It is a way that channels the energy of boundless joy into your work and everyday life. How better to feel life and learn of it and the cosmos?




This rhythm resonates inner and outer joy. Resonating to this rhythm, the drummer experiences true joy in the present moment, thereby infusing his/her life with the energy of boundless joy.




1.    Only those who quell the desires and manipulations of the ego inherit true joy.

2.    True joy resonates from within. It cannot be found by indulging in wanton sensuality or self-gratification.

3.    Those who lack the contentment of inner joy may lose themselves in self-indulgence.

4.    True joy disappears when one succumbs to wanting and discontent.

5.    Do not compromise your integrity by associating with immoral or unprincipled persons.

6.    One who succumbs to the sensual pleasures of the world will be swept along by external influences.

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